Gyiad (Young Executives and Businessmen Association)
Take a look at our award-winning advertising campaign that made a huge impact with a simple A4 paper, winning us the Mediacat Felis Success Award.
Digital Strategy, Web Design, Content Marketing, Digital PR, Branding, Print, Graphic Design, Production

Everyone, especially job seekers or those who have searched for jobs in the past, knows that job advertisements are written on A4 papers and hung on shop windows. The most well-known of these is "Apprentice Wanted for Training!"
What if instead of an apprentice being sought for training, a CEO was the one being sought? How would people react?
Watch our case study video.

Web & Mobile
We welcomed newly graduated young people who saw a job advertisement written on a simple A4 paper to our website, where we showcase the program's details.

The graduation yearbook was distributed to Turkey's leading companies. As a result, employers were able to see who the GYÄ°AD MBA graduates were, their standout qualities, and the mentors' comments about these students.